Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Coming soon~~~

This is not the official DiGi Website nor blog sponsored by DiGi. But here is jz the platform for me to tell you my experience about DiGi, the good & their tricks. :P
此网页并非数码网络DiGi的网站或授权资助的网站。身为 DiGi “死硬派”用户的我在此与您分享/切磋我的使用经验,并探讨她的优势和花招(说得难听就是弊病)。 :P
不过近来感觉到 DiGi 越来 越像 Hotlink 了。。。一个不好的“趋向”。。。:(

我的 Celcom 019-9991X1X SIM Pack 丢失了... sob..sob.. :"(

keep your eyes on this blog.....

coming soon......

*Experience with Celcom 3G (Package RM99 1Mbps)
*Something you didnt realise about how your Telcos...
*Celcom Xpax vs Maxis Hotlink vs DiGi Prepaid RM1
DiGi dun hv better name for their Prepaid?? :(

*Pak Lah (former PM) tak boleh, but I did it.

*and more, ~~~~~~~~~

Remark: will stop reporting DiGi SMS Promotion, not the blog objective... :)

DiGi Ambassador
表面上看来我是一位电脑修护员(也有人说我像卖烧肉的, 像阿窿,等等),实际上我是一位电信研究生,专门研究 低级(DiGi),卖屎(Maxis),削空(Celcom),黑皮(Happy), 臀脱(TuneTalk),叉窿叉(XOX) 和 又摸巴(U-mobile)。如何把"低级"发扬为"高级"的研究生!!!

I like Happy's Initial Concept~~~

Happy: "We've found that most people only use their mobile phones for calls and SMS 90% of the time." 九十百分率的手机用户只是利用他们的手机来通电和短讯。。。

a very good & practical concept to the end-user.
since we no need the 'extra services', why we must bear for the cost??

In fact, I had 3x Happy SIM b4, but due to Happy change their 'term & conditions', hence I let it terminated itself.
Really dun like those Telcos changed their 'term & conditions', we take their service due to some of their 'selling point', but later they changed it, feel like being 'cheated'.

Monday, October 19, 2009

再转台 MNP again~~~ DiGi to Maxis Hotlink~~~

Day 1
Call to Maxis Support Center, enquiries about MNP to Hotlink. Maxis Operator gave another number for me to call, but the Hotlink Customer Support still failed to give me any information.

Day 2
Online Hotlink website, wanna to MNP to Hotlink thru their website. Result: "this service is temporary not available".

Day 3
1pm, walk in to a Maxis Service Center, get a Q number (2 numbers different from the display board), but waited for 45min (may be due to lunch hour).
The Customer Service agent, AMU, an Indian lady, wrote down my phone number which going to be ported, photocopy my NRIC, then gave me the replacement SIM card. Immediately my phone recv a sms: "Thank you for your request to move to Maxis. We are waiting for your current service provider to confirm & will notify you as soon as your request is processed".
I asked AMU, how long is the validity after port in, she told me is One Year (happy to hear that, but sure???).

12 midnight, my DiGi line still active...

Day 4
6am, my DiGi line still active... (in fact, this number is expired on today... but surprises I still can use it to call out)

2009-10-22 09:49:00 DiGi SMS:-
"Your request to transfer out from DiGi is currently in process by your new service provider. For further assistance, please call your new service provider."

2009-10-22 09:49:06 Maxis SMS:-
Maxis welcomes you and is ready to serve you. Please replace your current SIM with the Maxis SIM within 2 hours. For further queries, please call 1800 821 123"

Hence, immediately I reset my handphone, "SIM card registration failed".
Replaced with new Hotlink SIM Card, call my another number to do the 'activation' call. Select 2, English as my default language.

Account Balance: RM0.39, top-up by 21.11.2009 to keep making calls/SMS.
:( the validity after port in Maxis is One Month, not One Year.

2009-10-22 10:19:50 DiGi SMS:-
"Your request to transfer out from DiGi was successful. We thank you for being a DiGi customer and hope that we can serve you again in the near future."
Ya, will consider to port back DiGi. :P

MNP to Hotlink
1. switch over time is arround 10am.
2. new balance RM0.39
3. Validity - One Month.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

DiGi Prepaid going to charge at 60second block (20091105 UPDATE 更新)

17. What are the charging blocks for the new DiGi Prepaid™ plan?
For usage below RM1, all domestic voice calls (excluding 1300 and 1800 numbers) will be on 30 second charging blocks. Once you hit RM1, 60 second charging block will be applied to all discounted domestic voice calls.

新的Digi Prepaid 当还没用到 RM1 时, 一分钟两单位, 过了 RM1 之后的才算 RM 0.12 一分钟一个单位。 如果你是用到RM1的半途中,你需要挂电重打才可以享受到 RM0.12 的好处。
其他旧plan (PowerPack, Fuyoh, SuperSMS, SuperTalk, 等等) 一律一分钟一单位.
更换去新的 DiGi Prepaid plan 要扣 RM3 (换了就不可以再换回旧的 plan).

他们的sms不清不楚,被很多人"鸟", “自己害自己”。

(above updated 20091105)

SMS from DiGi, Sender DiGi Sent: 12:37:56 20-10-2009
"Thanks for being a loyal DiGi customer! Enjoy upto 13% RELOAD BONUS from us in the next 2 Reload Bonus. All domestic calls charged per 60sec, effective from 1Nov09."

2nd 坏消息 bad news for DiGi Prepaid Users in year 2009. :( :(
1st bad news is Birthday Bonus is excluded in main credit, but changed to Freebies. :(

is this so-called "Benefits for Loyal DiGi Users"? :( :( :(
many years ago, DiGi Prepaid is charged for 5 blocks (12 sec), later in late 2007 (??) changed to 2 blocks (30 sec), now going to change to 1 block (60 sec).
may be is time to consider U-Mobile.... they charged 1 sec block.

for those not really understand the charging block, hereby is the simple example:" for standard call, DiGi Prepaid is charged for RM0.36 per minute, if you make a quick call which only take 3-4sec; for 5 blocks, you'll be charged at RM0.08, for 2 blocks is RM0.18, for 1 block is RM0.36."
this is how Telcos digged the money from user's wallet, Hotlink being charged for 60sec block since few years ago, now turn for DiGi?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

再转台 MNP again~~~ Hotlink to DiGi~~~

Since MNP launched in October 2008 till today... I already MNP 3x number (2x U-Mobile & 1x Hotlink) to DiGi....

MNP to DiGi is absolutely FREE, but some phone shops may request you to buy Reload Card from them before helping you to MNP to DiGi (you can report this to DiGi because this is considers 'misconduct').

Yesterday I did MNP again, from Hotlink to DiGi.
Just brought my IC & tell them my current number to MNP.
I applied arround 1pm, get a MNP SIM in advanced, waited till arround 7pm. Receipt 2x SMS, one from Maxis & another from DiGi. Then I replaced the new SIM Card to my phone... bingo... get a new balance RM1.01 with One Year Validity.

The same:-
1. switch over time is arround 7pm.
2. new balance RM1.01
3. Validity - One Year.

The diferences:-
1. last year, after MNP to DiGi, I only can log in OCS after 3days time. Yesterday, 8pm I already can register & login my OCS.
2. no need photocopy of the IC, the DiGi Center have the SmartCard Reader to identified/input your details.

Experience with Hotlink
During One Months playing with HotLink, found that thier e-Statement is not accurate.
From e-Statement, my past one month usuage is only RM2.86. My Last balance is RM0.12 (*122#).
My Starter Pack initial balance is RM5, so where is the RM2.02 无端端不见了(RM5.00-RM2.86-RM0.12) missing!!??? GONE WITH THE WIND!!!??? or, being transfer as 'credit buffer'?? The e-Statement didnt provide the details?

And, when my balance is less than 15 cents, I'm not even can make a 'missed call' nor SMS out.

Their default setting of missed call is "Missed Call Alert", this is s good move, rather than DiGi is default to VoiceMail.

Their Web Portal also not that stable, always have Log In Error.

And, after tried for 3 times, it'll prompt a password clue which you never enter before??!! so, how you going to get your password and log in?
If you insist to try again, end up your Web Portal Account will be locked, and you have to call their Customer Support for a reset.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


The Happy prepaid service in Thailand uses the Dtac mobile network while the Happy prepaid service in Malaysia uses the DiGi mobile network. DTAC and DiGi are both under the same parent company (Telenor).