Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New Telco - OK Tel

after XOX, TuneTalk, RedTone, now~~~~ OK Tel!!!!

Lower call rate to Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan
Bangladesh - 11cent per 30 sec
Nepal - 27cent per 30 sec
Pakistan - 25cent per 30 sec
Sri Langka - 45cent per 30 sec
Malaysia - 14cent per 30 sec

3.49pm 20091216

Sunday, December 13, 2009

DiGi Prepaid: Store Reload "贮存再装入"

Store Reload

You can reload your mobile credit without 'activated' the credit immediately, you can choose Store Reload. The Store Reload amount can be from RM5 up to RM30.

You can 'activate' the Store Reload when you need to use it, the validity days is same as your normal Flexi-Reload. Of coz, you can jz choosed to activate RM5 from your total Store Reload credit, the balance will be remained.

And, now if you have Store Reload, it'll auto activated when your number come to 'termination date' (90days after your validity expired). Hence, your number can be kept alive again for another 90days. Is good way for those seldom call, or best method to keep the 'golden number' (collective purpose).

"To avoid account termination, your Store Reload of RM5.00 has been forced activated."

BTW, not all flexi e-Load dealers will have RM5 Store Reload, usually they'll ask you put in RM10. You must visit those 'small shop' if you wish to get RM5 :D .... and, remember to mention is Store Reload, not normal Reload.... :P


The Store Reload being terminated by DiGi during November 2013.

"贮存再装入"就像电子钱包, 放 RM5 在里面,要用时才启动它。可以贮存 RM5 - RM30。
2 Reload
2 Store Reload (可以选只启动RM5)。
对那些老人家, 可能不方便。

另一个好处是如果你有"贮存再装入", 当你的号码到截止期限时(过了可以打出,到了90天只可以收听的宽限期/“终止期限”), 它会自动启用,避免你的号码马上被终止 (可以再延长另一个90多天的宽限期;“多天”是指自动启用的是多少钱; 如果是 RM30, 就是 30天可以打出 + 90天宽限期; 如果是 RM5, 就是 5天可以打出 + 90天宽限期)。

我试验过了, 证明成功! 记得,它会自动加完全部的Store Reload余额, 譬如有RM30在 Store Reload, 就RM30自动加入; 虽然不是损失, 还是可以拿来用或 TalkTime Transfer, 不过我本人只会放 RM5 的 Store Reload, “养”号码而已。

再试,证明可以,不过这次受到 DiGi 的短讯:
To avoid account termination, your Store Reload of RM5.00 has been forced activated.

DiGi Hit RM1 + Store Reload RM5 是养号码最好,最安全的是方案, 当你的 sim 死亡期限到时, 那Store Reload RM5 会自动 activate (不必烦,你不必算,也不必记日期,系统会自动帮你进,也会 sms 通知你),再来另外一个90天保养期 (期中任何时候请记得再进 Store Reload RM5,通常我会在收到 【To avoid account termination, your Store Reload of RM5.00 has been forced activated.】的几天后就进)。

一年365天/90天 = 4.05次 x Store Reload RM5 = RM20 (这 RM20 可以在 线actice 时拿来用,或 TT 给家人,如果你拿来 TT, 差不多可以说养一年的费用才 RM2 --> TT 一次双方被扣 RM0.25 x 双方 x 四次)

如何买Store Reload RM5 ? 去有 DiGi flexi eload 的店 (记得,一定要找“小间”的店,大间的通常没有 RM5, 最少 RM10), reload 时记得要清清楚楚交代他们是进 store reload, 不是普通 reload 就行了。

重要通告:  Store Reload 已经于 2013年11月被 DiGi 终止了。  看来 DiGi 已没有什么值得留念的了。

11.00am 20091217
11.01pm 20100210
11.00pm 20100425
01.23pm 20110411 更新
06.42pm 20110726 更新
10.18pm 20140220 更新

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pak Lah tak boleh, Saya BOLEH!!!


我一位很要好的马来朋友大意让我买给他的一个“美号码”(DiGi预付) 过期失效而被终止了。

我找在 DiGi 做经理的朋友帮忙,他说就是首相都拿不回"Pak Lah pun Tak Boleh!"。

我是打去那‘失去’的号码,可能号码短缺,才两个月 DiGi 已经 recycled 了那号码。
我跟他说了状况,他答应临走时会把那“新SIM Card”和他个人的资料email给我(以便我那在DiGi做经理的朋友可以帮忙转名)。
顺便‘酸’了那在DiGi做经理的朋友,因为他说过在DiGi, 拿回失去的DiGi预付电话号码是首相也办不到的。:D

Thursday, December 3, 2009

DiGi Prepaid: 1000 则免费短讯

老实说, 这个帖不是讚 “DiGi 总算来一个促销以应对 HYC!!!”, 而是‘酸’一‘酸’ DiGi 的小家子气。
近来感觉 DiGi 越来越像 Maxis 了, 每个促销背后总有一大堆的条款和制约。

1000 则短讯,对一个 SuperSMS (注2) 的用者,一天都可以"注销"了。 还大喇喇的表明是“促销”。

加额 RM30 以上就可以获得 1000个免费短讯(DiGi 对 DiGi而已),最多可以免费 2000个短讯, 而且是有期限的:31 Dec 2009 !!! 十二月已过了几天,请注意喔~~~

注: 自从 DIGi 有了 3G,网上已有很多人投诉 DiGi 线路变差,短讯发送不到的问题,现在又来一个1000则免费短讯!!!老天!
注2: SuperSMS 是 DiGi Prepaid 中的一个“旧计划”,使用者在短讯使用费用超过50仙后,接下来所有短讯到同台的短讯不计数量都是免费的。


Thursday, November 19, 2009

MNP again~~~ (Maxis back to DiGi)

MNP again!!! (origin U-Mobile number to DiGi after a month, after a year with DiGi, to Maxis, after a month with Maxis, now back to DiGi again)

2.30pm - went to a DiGi Authorised Center to do MNP, the guy already get used to me. submitted my NRIC, told him my number to MNP. then he gave me a new replacement SIM Card.

8.46pm - completely switched over~~~ with One Year Validity~~ bingo~~~


Monday, November 9, 2009

DiGi Prepaid revoked their Last Call Cost Notification!!! DiGi预付又被取消了"即时最后拨电费用"通知!!!

again, DiGi Prepaid revoked their Last Call Cost Notification!!!

Around three years ago, DiGi Prepaid (Beyond Plan) had provided Last Call Cost Notification (after a call, the system will text you the charges for that particular call). But later on this service being cancelled; but it was reactivated again few months ago, but now it being revoked again!!!

Now, you have to text *126# for enquires the Last Call Cost.

Again, another advantage of DiGi being 'axed', may be is due to DiGi changed the charging block, they don't want user easily know/plan for their call??? :(

大约三年多前,DiGi 预付 (那时是 Beyond 配套)曾提供 "即时最后拨电费用"通知 (Last Call Cost Notification) 的服务 (拨电后, 系统会随即发短讯通知你最后那通电话总共用了多少钱),后来此服务已取消;不过几个月前 "即时最后拨电费用"通知 再度重启, 但现在又被撤消了!!!

打回原形,如今需拨 *126# 才可以查询到 "最后拨电费用"!!

DiGi 的另一个优点又被砍了...... 可能是 DiGi 改了 收费时计(charging block), 不想再让 用户 轻易知道/计划 他们播电的费用??? :(


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

MNP again... DiGi Prepaid to Hotlink Youth Club...

MNP again... DiGi Prepaid to Hotlink Youth Club...

Day #1 (3 November 2009)
8.30pm, send my niece to apply MNP from a Maxis Authorised Agent. They request NRIC & the DiGi SIM Card for photocopy. Then gave my niece a new Hotlink SIM Card.

Day #2 (4 November 2009)
My niece still can call out with her current DiGi, but the OCS is already failed to login. All the Calls/SMSs no more display in 'charges'. (so, is it considered as FREE CALL??)

3pm - DiGi line still active. New SIM Card still failed to register.
4pm - still the same.....
11pm - still the same....

Day #3 (5 November 2009)
2009-11-05 08:22:01 DiGi SMS:-
"Your request to transfer out from DiGi is currently in process by your new service provider. For further assistance, please call your new service provider."

2009-11-05 08:22:08 Maxis SMS:-
Maxis welcomes you and is ready to serve you. Please replace your current SIM with the Maxis SIM within 2 hours. For further queries, please call 1800 821 123"

Immediately replaced the SIM card, the Maxis line is already active.
Account Balance: RM0.39, top-up by 04.11.2013 to keep making calls/SMS.
4 Years validity for Hotlink Youth Club!!!

2009-11-05 08:52:42 DiGi SMS:-
"Your request to transfer out from DiGi was successful. We thank you for being a DiGi customer and hope that we can serve you again in the near future."

Online & register for Hotlink Web Portal, all the settings are same to Standard Hotlink Package.

12 sen/min call ON NET 全国统一收费
15 sen/min call OFF NET 全国统一收费
1 sen/sms ON NET 全国统一收费
5 sen/sms OFF NET 全国统一收费
30 sec/block

2)HOTLINK用户可以直接转去HYC, 不过会被 charge RM8 (可以用 *100# - 01 Next Page - 9 My Account - 5 Hotlink Youth Club - 1 Confirm - etc.)。
3)CELCOM,DIGI,U MOBILE, XOX 用户可以直接 MNP 去 HYC。(不过岁数要符合条件)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Coming soon~~~

This is not the official DiGi Website nor blog sponsored by DiGi. But here is jz the platform for me to tell you my experience about DiGi, the good & their tricks. :P
此网页并非数码网络DiGi的网站或授权资助的网站。身为 DiGi “死硬派”用户的我在此与您分享/切磋我的使用经验,并探讨她的优势和花招(说得难听就是弊病)。 :P
不过近来感觉到 DiGi 越来 越像 Hotlink 了。。。一个不好的“趋向”。。。:(

我的 Celcom 019-9991X1X SIM Pack 丢失了... sob..sob.. :"(

keep your eyes on this blog.....

coming soon......

*Experience with Celcom 3G (Package RM99 1Mbps)
*Something you didnt realise about how your Telcos...
*Celcom Xpax vs Maxis Hotlink vs DiGi Prepaid RM1
DiGi dun hv better name for their Prepaid?? :(

*Pak Lah (former PM) tak boleh, but I did it.

*and more, ~~~~~~~~~

Remark: will stop reporting DiGi SMS Promotion, not the blog objective... :)

DiGi Ambassador
表面上看来我是一位电脑修护员(也有人说我像卖烧肉的, 像阿窿,等等),实际上我是一位电信研究生,专门研究 低级(DiGi),卖屎(Maxis),削空(Celcom),黑皮(Happy), 臀脱(TuneTalk),叉窿叉(XOX) 和 又摸巴(U-mobile)。如何把"低级"发扬为"高级"的研究生!!!

I like Happy's Initial Concept~~~

Happy: "We've found that most people only use their mobile phones for calls and SMS 90% of the time." 九十百分率的手机用户只是利用他们的手机来通电和短讯。。。

a very good & practical concept to the end-user.
since we no need the 'extra services', why we must bear for the cost??

In fact, I had 3x Happy SIM b4, but due to Happy change their 'term & conditions', hence I let it terminated itself.
Really dun like those Telcos changed their 'term & conditions', we take their service due to some of their 'selling point', but later they changed it, feel like being 'cheated'.

Monday, October 19, 2009

再转台 MNP again~~~ DiGi to Maxis Hotlink~~~

Day 1
Call to Maxis Support Center, enquiries about MNP to Hotlink. Maxis Operator gave another number for me to call, but the Hotlink Customer Support still failed to give me any information.

Day 2
Online Hotlink website, wanna to MNP to Hotlink thru their website. Result: "this service is temporary not available".

Day 3
1pm, walk in to a Maxis Service Center, get a Q number (2 numbers different from the display board), but waited for 45min (may be due to lunch hour).
The Customer Service agent, AMU, an Indian lady, wrote down my phone number which going to be ported, photocopy my NRIC, then gave me the replacement SIM card. Immediately my phone recv a sms: "Thank you for your request to move to Maxis. We are waiting for your current service provider to confirm & will notify you as soon as your request is processed".
I asked AMU, how long is the validity after port in, she told me is One Year (happy to hear that, but sure???).

12 midnight, my DiGi line still active...

Day 4
6am, my DiGi line still active... (in fact, this number is expired on today... but surprises I still can use it to call out)

2009-10-22 09:49:00 DiGi SMS:-
"Your request to transfer out from DiGi is currently in process by your new service provider. For further assistance, please call your new service provider."

2009-10-22 09:49:06 Maxis SMS:-
Maxis welcomes you and is ready to serve you. Please replace your current SIM with the Maxis SIM within 2 hours. For further queries, please call 1800 821 123"

Hence, immediately I reset my handphone, "SIM card registration failed".
Replaced with new Hotlink SIM Card, call my another number to do the 'activation' call. Select 2, English as my default language.

Account Balance: RM0.39, top-up by 21.11.2009 to keep making calls/SMS.
:( the validity after port in Maxis is One Month, not One Year.

2009-10-22 10:19:50 DiGi SMS:-
"Your request to transfer out from DiGi was successful. We thank you for being a DiGi customer and hope that we can serve you again in the near future."
Ya, will consider to port back DiGi. :P

MNP to Hotlink
1. switch over time is arround 10am.
2. new balance RM0.39
3. Validity - One Month.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

DiGi Prepaid going to charge at 60second block (20091105 UPDATE 更新)


17. What are the charging blocks for the new DiGi Prepaid™ plan?
For usage below RM1, all domestic voice calls (excluding 1300 and 1800 numbers) will be on 30 second charging blocks. Once you hit RM1, 60 second charging block will be applied to all discounted domestic voice calls.

新的Digi Prepaid 当还没用到 RM1 时, 一分钟两单位, 过了 RM1 之后的才算 RM 0.12 一分钟一个单位。 如果你是用到RM1的半途中,你需要挂电重打才可以享受到 RM0.12 的好处。
其他旧plan (PowerPack, Fuyoh, SuperSMS, SuperTalk, 等等) 一律一分钟一单位.
更换去新的 DiGi Prepaid plan 要扣 RM3 (换了就不可以再换回旧的 plan).

他们的sms不清不楚,被很多人"鸟", “自己害自己”。

(above updated 20091105)

SMS from DiGi, Sender DiGi Sent: 12:37:56 20-10-2009
"Thanks for being a loyal DiGi customer! Enjoy upto 13% RELOAD BONUS from us in the next 2 Reload Bonus. All domestic calls charged per 60sec, effective from 1Nov09."

2nd 坏消息 bad news for DiGi Prepaid Users in year 2009. :( :(
1st bad news is Birthday Bonus is excluded in main credit, but changed to Freebies. :(

is this so-called "Benefits for Loyal DiGi Users"? :( :( :(
many years ago, DiGi Prepaid is charged for 5 blocks (12 sec), later in late 2007 (??) changed to 2 blocks (30 sec), now going to change to 1 block (60 sec).
may be is time to consider U-Mobile.... they charged 1 sec block.

for those not really understand the charging block, hereby is the simple example:" for standard call, DiGi Prepaid is charged for RM0.36 per minute, if you make a quick call which only take 3-4sec; for 5 blocks, you'll be charged at RM0.08, for 2 blocks is RM0.18, for 1 block is RM0.36."
this is how Telcos digged the money from user's wallet, Hotlink being charged for 60sec block since few years ago, now turn for DiGi?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

再转台 MNP again~~~ Hotlink to DiGi~~~

Since MNP launched in October 2008 till today... I already MNP 3x number (2x U-Mobile & 1x Hotlink) to DiGi....

MNP to DiGi is absolutely FREE, but some phone shops may request you to buy Reload Card from them before helping you to MNP to DiGi (you can report this to DiGi because this is considers 'misconduct').

Yesterday I did MNP again, from Hotlink to DiGi.
Just brought my IC & tell them my current number to MNP.
I applied arround 1pm, get a MNP SIM in advanced, waited till arround 7pm. Receipt 2x SMS, one from Maxis & another from DiGi. Then I replaced the new SIM Card to my phone... bingo... get a new balance RM1.01 with One Year Validity.

The same:-
1. switch over time is arround 7pm.
2. new balance RM1.01
3. Validity - One Year.

The diferences:-
1. last year, after MNP to DiGi, I only can log in OCS after 3days time. Yesterday, 8pm I already can register & login my OCS.
2. no need photocopy of the IC, the DiGi Center have the SmartCard Reader to identified/input your details.

Experience with Hotlink
During One Months playing with HotLink, found that thier e-Statement is not accurate.
From e-Statement, my past one month usuage is only RM2.86. My Last balance is RM0.12 (*122#).
My Starter Pack initial balance is RM5, so where is the RM2.02 无端端不见了(RM5.00-RM2.86-RM0.12) missing!!??? GONE WITH THE WIND!!!??? or, being transfer as 'credit buffer'?? The e-Statement didnt provide the details?

And, when my balance is less than 15 cents, I'm not even can make a 'missed call' nor SMS out.

Their default setting of missed call is "Missed Call Alert", this is s good move, rather than DiGi is default to VoiceMail.

Their Web Portal also not that stable, always have Log In Error.

And, after tried for 3 times, it'll prompt a password clue which you never enter before??!! so, how you going to get your password and log in?
If you insist to try again, end up your Web Portal Account will be locked, and you have to call their Customer Support for a reset.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


The Happy prepaid service in Thailand uses the Dtac mobile network while the Happy prepaid service in Malaysia uses the DiGi mobile network. DTAC and DiGi are both under the same parent company (Telenor).

Thursday, September 24, 2009

DiGi Prepaid 预付: Birthday Bonus 生日红利

DiGi 的生日红利(Birthday Bonus)是 DiGi 回馈用户的其中主要卖点,生日期中七天内(前三天,当天,后三天)加额会获得50%红利(比如加RM50会得到RM50+RM25=RM75)。

2009年9月,DiGi生日红利最高加额数由 RM300 上调到 RM500,红利还是50% (所以最高红利是RM250)。
不过不要高兴的太早,生日红利不再是你的主要存余数额(Credit), 而是计算为“免费积额”Freebies(不过不是分数,还是用钱额计算; “免费积额”不可以转移其他户口,使用时会先被扣除掉)。

譬如, 如果你的是 DiGi Prepaid RM1 Plan 使用者 (按理发短讯超过 RM1 后,拨打任何电话号码是每分钟12分钱,任何发给DiGi电台内线的短讯是每则1分钱)不过如果你有很多的“免费积额”,当你发短讯时,它会先从“免费积额”中扣除。所以你就享受不到RM1 Plan的好处,反而白白浪费掉你的“免费积额”。
特别是用Super SMS Plan 的使用者,更会深切体会到那种“浪费”。

Sunday, September 20, 2009

DiGi Prepaid vs Hotlink~~~

To compare DiGi Prepaid to Hotlink, the ONLY way is to personally experiences a Hotlink SIM Pack.

DiGi Prepaid vs Hotlink~~~ (Web Portal)

Hotlink Web Portal Log In allows user to use User Name to log in, instead of DiGi is using your mobile number as Log In ID.
In this aspect, Hotlink is better because not easy to guess what is your log in ID; but for DiGi, you can try to 'hack' your friend's account since you knew their mobile number (of coz, you cannot try more than 3x, otherwise the password may reset and will noticeable by the owner).
DiGi's log in password is only 4 digi, but Hotlink Log In password is 8-16 alphanumeric.

OK, for Activ10, not much different to DiGi's Friend & Family.

For Calls Detail (Itemised Billing), not much different. But I found Hotlink's update is quicker than DiGi.

* No 'user detail' (eg. your registered name, SIM validity date, etc) in Hotlink Web Portal.
* DiGi's Web Portal have [D'Chat] which allows you to online enquire with their Customer Support Consultant.
* DiGi's Web Portal allows you to daily send 3x FREE SMS + 3X MMS (DiGi network only).

DiGi Prepaid vs Hotlink~~~ (Customer Support)
Hotlink 1300820120 & Self-Help Hotline 11311 are available in 11 languages:
1. Bahasa Malaysia
2. English
3. Mandarin
4. Tamil
5. Cantonese
6. Bahasa Indonesia
7. Tagalog
8. Bengali
9. Thai
10. Burmese

DiGi 016-2211800 only have:-
1. Bahasa Malaysia
2. English
3. Tamil

DiGi Helpline will go thru Auto Selection Menu, not easy to straight get thru to their Customer Support. But for Hotlink, very quick you can talk to their Customer Support.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya~~~

Salam Raya to all my Muslim friends~~~

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

DiGi Postpaid/Prepaid: Promotion SMS dated 16 Sept 2009

2009-09-16 10:03:51 DiGi +60162999929
Digi Rewards: Enjoy 20-25% discount on Wiley titles @ MPH Bookstores from 15 Sep - 31 Oct 09. T&Cs apply. Info @ digi.com.my/rewards

DiGi Commercials - hit RM1, VIOLENT!!??

a few of my friends dun like the latest DiGi Commercials...

for me, I still can accept the office lady hit the RM1, but not this "Car Reverse".... the impression is the man (阴阴笑) is trying to murder 'some body'.... car reverse bang on something is not a fun, especially for those family happened with 'car reverse accident' b4, this video definately is the WORST one to trigger their pain once again..... may be someone will defending that this 'car reverse' is jz to impose "go over RM1", but..... really is a bad idea.

why not DiGi use the Tarzan to highlight the "hit RM1" in their commercial video?
"tarzan bang on a huge RM1 wall, then following with the Tarzan happily make calls & SMS"

Monday, September 14, 2009

DiGi Prepaid: Promotion SMS dated 15 Sept 2009

from DiGi, sender DiGi, 10:41:20 15-09-2009
RM0: NEW!With MMS Greetings, you can compose MMS msg with image, audio or video. sms Greet to 2016 or visit http://mmsgreetings.digi.com.my/wap. Free 3 MMS/day.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

DiGi Prepaid: Promotion SMS dated 14 Sept 2009

from DiGi, sender 2016, 11:28:11 14-09-2009
Get your favorite wap site like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Messenger & others by sms DMI to 2016 now!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


TuneTalk - using Celcom Network, prefix 010-5XXXXXX.

22 sen / min call to all networks (60 seconds charge block; no Friend&Family)
5 sen / sms to all networks

Denomination Validity
RM 5 5 Days
RM 10 11 Days
RM 30 33 Days
RM 50 55 Days

Expired period: 60days from end of validity.

their Web Selfcare is among the BEST (started with DiGi, Happy, now TuneTalk also have cool website; for other telcos, forget about them), some features are even better than DiGi (eg, we can have option to online life chat with their Service Consultant, picking of own favorite number, etc).
I may get one & try. :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

拥有 / 面临 风险???

拥有 (面临) 风险???
通信 (通讯) 哈哈。。。。

DiGi Postpaid : Promotion SMS dated 8 Sept 2009

2009-09-8 13:58:18
DiGi Rewards: Enjoy 25% discount on 0.5kg & 1kg cakes from 1/9 - 30/11/09 @ King's Confectionery. T&C apply. Info at digi.com.my/rewards

Ah Long & DiGi~~~

why DiGi is favorite of our local Ah Long??? even in newspaper advertisements, you may found 60% (or more) of Ah Long is using DiGi number.... why???? :P
or, "Ah Long will always following you~~~~~~~" ???

20090909 China Press - Commercial Classfied Connection
Total 21 mobile numbers related to Long Business.
DiGi scores 12 (Champion!!!!)
Maxis Scores 4
Celcom scores 5

see those Ubat Kuat!!!!

as you can see from the photo above, those selling Ubat Kuat usually dun use DiGi, but Maxis; so sad even the Yellow Banana not using DiGi.
may be 12 o'clock definately is the "aim" rather than 6 o'clock. :P
(remark: the contact of Ubat Kuat intentionally not blanko for reference of SiFu, DiGi Malacca... ngek.. ngek...)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

DiGi New MMS Greeting!!!

for Postpaid & Prepaid:-

OCS's [Sent MMS] being upgraded to "MMS Greetings", now you have more choice on your MMS. :D Have fun with it~~~

VM vs MCA ( 马华??)

Other than BubbleTalk, another useless feature of DiGi Mobile is VoiceMail (in fact, this is also apply to all Telcos. for me, it is more like a "Cash Trap" by all the Telcos).

VoiceMail is a feature for caller to leave their voice message when the receiever is engaged / offline. Caller have to pay for leaving the message, if you not fast enuf to chop the line b4 enter the VoiceMail, u'll kena charge too.
Of coz, receiever have to pay to listen to the VoiceMail too.

From my knowledge, only my cousin brother (his is a Spore PR) is using VoiceMail, other than him, none of person I knew is using VoiceMail feature (neither as Caller nor Receiever). May be he is Hi-Tech enuf to play VoiceMail.

I did few tests b4:-
1. My Maxis Hotlink, the phone is jz in front of me, power on, not using, full bar. Then I'm using my company phone to call my Hotlink, jz after few tones, it goes to VoiceMail. Wa-lao-leh... thats why I never use Hotlink anymore.

2. Celcom Xpax, I call & count the tones, up to 45 tones only it goes to VoiceMail. But when I call my own DiGi, about 25tones its already goes to VoiceMail. :(

so, How to Disable VoiceMail for your DiGi Mobile? (please also try to apply to all your FnF & DiGi numbers)

1. walk in to any of DiGi Service Center, ask the Service Consultant to disable it for you.

2. Step 1: Call *128#
Step 2: Press 1 (My Account,我的户口)
Step 3: Press 9 (Account Setting,户口设定)
Step 4: Press 3 (Voicemail,语言信箱)
Step 5: Press 1 (Service and plan,服务和配套)
Step 6: Press 3 (MCA only activation,启动未接来电警示)

ok, onward, the caller will not be charged when they cannot get thru to you, and you'll just receieved 'missed call alert (MCA) mesasge' for your missed calls when your phone is out of coverage or offline. then you can decide either wanna to call back or not. ;)

启动未接来电通知(missed call alert)也就是说当你的手机收不到讯号/关机,在这时任何一方拨电给你都不会直接转去voicemail(语言信箱),不会再被charge RM0.30 了~

be frank, other than DiGi's staffs & their resellers, how many of the user know that MCA in the DiGi Mobile Menu is stand for Missed Call Alert?? :P

from here, we also can see how important is Charging Block:-
- Using Hotlink to call to DiGi, when you hear is going to VoiceMail, you quickly terminate your call, that particular unsuccessful call will cost you 39 sen (Hotlink charging block is based on PER MINUTE).
- Using DiGi to call to Hotlink, when you hear is going to VoiceMail, you quickly terminate your call, that particular unsuccessful call will cost you 18 sen (DiGi is charged for 2 block @ 30 second).
- Using UMobile to call to Hotlink/DiGi/Xpax, when you hear is going to VoiceMail, you quickly terminate your call, that particular unsuccessful call will cost you 1-2 sen only. (bcoz Umobile is charged for PER SECOND block).
haha~~~~ try to compare & figure out yourself~~~~

Few years ago, DiGi Prepaid (Beyond) is 5 Block @ 12 seconds a block.
A quick call to FnF number can be as low as 3 sen.

updated 20130205 some infor is by hamster_ckh (Cari)

Chinese: the meaning & taboo behind the Numeric

In Chinese culture, certain numbers are believed by some to be auspicious (吉利) or inauspicious (不利) based on the Chinese word that the number name sounds similar to. However some Chinese people regard these beliefs to be superstitions. Since the pronunciation and the vocabulary may be different in different Chinese dialects, the rules are generally not applicable for all cases.
Because of the supposed auspiciousness of certain numbers, some people will often choose, attempt to obtain, or pay large sums for numbers that are considered to be lucky for their phone numbers, street addresses, residence floor (in a multi-story building), driver's license number, vehicle license plate number, bank account number, etc.
Lucky numbers are based on Chinese words that sound similar to other Chinese words. The numbers 6, 8, and 9 are believed to have auspicious meanings because their names sound similar to words that have positive meanings.

Following is our local taboo of “Chinese number”:-
0 – 灵 / 宁 (Cantonese: soul, willing)

1 – 日 (Cantonese: day / sun), 易 (Mandarin: easy)

2 – 易 (Cantonese: easy)

3 – 生 (Cantonese/Mandarin: live / birth)

4 – 死 (Cantonese: dead /Mandarin: Yes)

5 – 无 (Cantonese: none) / 吾 (Mandarin: I, me)

6 – 捞 (Cantonese: cari makan), 禄 (Cantonese: salary/money),in Hokkien, 6 pronounces as ‘Luck’ (English: Lucky). 流 (Mandarin: Float / fluid); 落 (Cantonese: to drop, fall, or decline).

7 – 去 (Cantonese: gone)/ 起 (Mandarin: arise)

8 – 发(Cantonese/Mandarin: prosper) (Cantonese: gossip / long winded)

9 – 久 (Longlasting)

168 / 1668 – 一路发 Cantonese: fortune all the way.
24 - 易死 Cantonese: easy to die.
28 - 易发 Cantonese: easy to get rich
38 - 生发 Cantonese: prosper, 三八 Hokkien: crazy
49 - 死狗 Caontonese: dead dog.
520 – 我爱你 Mandarin: I love you, applies in China only
524 - 唔易死 Cantonese: not easy to die.
5354 - 唔生唔死 Cantonese: 'not alive, not dead' or 不三不四 nonsense.
584 - Hokkien: nonsense, sex maniac
67 – Cantonese: male’s organ (hash word)
7788 – Cantonese: almost complete.
9394 - 搞三搞四 Caontonese: do nonsense.
9413 - 九死一生 Cantonese/Mandarin: nine dead one alive.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

DiGi Postpaid : Promotion SMS dated 3 Sept 2009

2009-09-3 17:11:14 from DiGi:-
Now everyone can be insured! Only RM0.20 a day for a Personal Accident Insurance worth RM100,000. SMS INS BUY to 2000 or call 0162211800.

DiGi RM1 vs. DiGi Prepaid I Like

Comparison of DiGi RM1 vs. DiGi Prepaid I Like

In general, DiGi "Prepaid I Like" is in 3 modules (for me, Super Long Life is not included bcoz it is more alike a sub-module which applies to the 3 main modules).
The charges is:-
36 sen/min calls (in 30 seconds block)
10 sen/SMS
25 sen/MMS

The main different are:-
Super FnF - 15 sen/min to 15 FnF numbers (11x DiGi, 4 non DiGi), 1 sen/SMS to 11 DiGi, 10 sen/SMS fot 4x non-DiGi FnF and Others (DiGi but not in FnF list, and Non-DiGi numbers)

Super SMS - FREE SMS (only DiGi-DiGi) after daily SMS usage of 50 sen; 10 sen/SMS to all networks (DiGi but not in FnF list, and Non-DiGi numbers).

Super Talk - FREE Calls & SMS (DiGi-DiGi) if you use more than RM200/month; OR, call rate at 25 sen/min if you use more than RM100/month.

Super Long Life - pay RM30 for 1 year active line (apply to Super FnF, Super SMS or Super Talk).

DiGi Prepaid RM1* is replacing "Prepaid I Like" on July 2009. The source of idea must be taken from 1Malaysia. Hence, onward all new subcribers no more option for "Prepaid I Like". For those already changed from "Prepaid I Like" to to "DiGi Prepaid RM1", there is no option to 'undo'.

DiGi Prepaid RM1 looks like combination of Super SMS, Super Talk & Super Long Life in "Prepaid I Like":-
a. Rate:-
36 sen/min for calls (in 30 seconds block)
10 sen/SMS
25 sen/MMS

b. FnF - 11 DiGi + 4 Non-DiGi

c. once daily SMS usage is hit RM1, the following call rate is RM0.12/min & SMS DiGi-DiGI is 1sen/min, SMS to others Networks are 10sen/min.
d. remains of Super Long Life (One Year Validity) at RM30.

For those youngster who daily SMS (DiGi-DiGi) a lot, 11 DiGi FnF not enuf to them, Super SMS is better package (better keep it).

For Super FnF, changed to "DiGi Prepaid RM1" is better option because the call rate will be cheaper at 12sen/min once you hit RM1 of SMS usuage (cheaper than Postpaid which is 13sen/min).

*The new plan is named "DiGi Prepaid", but I intentionally called it as "DiGi Prepaid RM1" due to DiGi's 1st Prepaid Plan is also called DiGi Prepaid, then followed by DiGi Prepaid Plus, Horizon, Horizon Optimum, Beyond, Fuyoh!, etc.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

DiGi Prepaid Plus Commercial

anyone still keep this metal box? :P

this following video clip was created 31 May 2002.

Monday, August 31, 2009

DiGi Prepaid: Promotion SMS dated 1 Sept 2009

from DiGi, sender 2016, 15:28:44 01-09-2009
RM0: Dash for a Home Theater System. Just download the most games to win. Text WIN to 2016. DiGi

from DiGi, sender 2000, 16:01:12 01-09-2009
RM0: Send your Raya greetings using DiGi's BubbleTALK - 50 percent discount, dial * followed by the mobile no. eg *016xxxxxxx

Sunday, August 30, 2009

DiGi Prepaid: Promotion SMS dated 31 August 2009

31 August 2009, from DiGi:
RM0. DiGi Seribu Sejam contest giving away RM1000 cash every hour for 52days. Just reload RM30/above or sign up any DiGi Postpaid plan. From Sep1-Oct22. T&C apply.

My personal point of view:
I never like any "lucky draw" contest, I support DiGi not bcoz of any of their contest. I jz hope DiGi giving better & fare product to the users.

August 13, 2009, theStar Online: "DiGi’s total share of the cellular market in Malaysia is also about 27% with about 7.2 million subscribers." (http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/8/13/business/4510020&sec=business).

This PROMOTION: 24 users x 52 days = 1248 lucky users (0.0173% of their total subscribers).
The chances you step on a dog shit by the street is definately higher. :P

Does this PROMOTION bringing you any chances? Will you purposely go to reload jz bcoz of this promotion??
Why not convert it into something which will benefit to all? 独乐乐不如众乐乐。

Super LongLife

DiGi Prepaid: Super LongLife – misleading by DiGi Operator

After launched of DiGi Prepaid RM1 on July 2009, many of users (included DiGi operators) thought Super LongLife still apply to DiGi “Prepaid I Like” (Super FnF, Super SMS, Super Talk & Super LongLife),in fact no more.

If you call DiGi Operator, they’ll advise you to *128#, then choose 4 for Talktime Services, then 3 for Super LongLife. If you tell them no such selection, they’ll sound 'unbelieve' & insist you did the mistake. (the application of Super LongLife cannot be done thru operator to avoid fraud). --> may be DiGi Operators are using Postpaid, hence not familiar to their own Prepaid product. :P At first when few of my friends told me thats how the DiGi Operator react to them, I'm not believe until I make the call personally.

Beside “Prepaid I Like” (Super FnF, Super SMS, Super Talk & Super Long Life), for those who still using DiGi Beyond, PowerPack & FuYoh!, you need to change your current plan to “DiGi Prepaid RM1” before apply for Super LongLife (RM30), and the CHANGE OF PLAN WILL BE CHARGED AT RM3 (a trap for DiGi to dig more buck from user’s wallet??)

To change plan, you need to keep your number validity in ‘active’. Then *128#, choose 7 for “Change Features”, then 2 for “Call Plan”, choose 1 DiGi Prepaid RM1.

Once you succesfully change your plan.
*128#, then choose 4 for Talktime Services, then 3 for Super LongLife.

a. for “Prepaid I Like”, the change of Plan is FOC, but only allowed to change once a month.

b. for “Prepaid I Like”, FnF numbers will be removed once the changed of plan is successful. Now, from “Prepaid I Like” (Super FnF, Super SMS & Super Talk) changed to “DiGi Prepaid RM1", all your FnF will be retained (the change of plan cannot be reversed; "Prepaid I Like" no more open for new subscription). The reason may be is to stop you from using 'Change Call Plan' to renew your FnF numbers. :P (* for DiGi FnF number, DiGi give 11+3 times FOC for you to name your FnF list, exceeded that, every changes will be charged for RM2).

全部旧的配套(PowerPack, Fuyoh, Prepaid I Like - SuperFnF, SuperTalk, SuperSMS) 必须更换成新的 DiGi Prepaid (RM1) 才可以购买 SuperLongLife。
不过更换配套会被索费 RM3。
还有,当转换到DiGi prepaid后就不能再回去旧的配套。。 所以转换前要三思哦

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Analysis: Population of Local Mobile Services

The following analysis is unofficial, non scientific and not cover all level, but is obtains from the customer's database of a Japan brand product Service Center.

013 - majority Malay, 90%.
019 - 90% Malay; 5% Chinese Businessman (oldtimers) who long-long ago converted from their analog 010 to 019; 5% is users from rural area which only have Celcom coverage.
0145 / 0148 -

012 - 90% Chinese
017 - for those Malay using Maxis, usually they'll using 017 prefix, reason unknown.
0142 -

016 - India, Chinese (youngster) & Malay --> SATU MALAYSIA.

0142 / 0143 / 0149 - Chinese (youngster) 014 如果读为 “您一世”,可能就没有忌讳了。
0102 / 0103

0143 -

0103 - none of the walk in customer is using 010, may be XOX still fresh in the market (remark: some of DiGi number are started with 010 prefix)

018 - none of the walk in customer is using 018.

How to get to DiGi operator??

Many DiGi users don't know the call to 016-2211800 is FREE with their DiGi number.
You can call 016-2211800 even your number's validity is already expired.

Ok, the following problem is nobody like to talk to 'machine', and they don't know how to get to DiGi Operator for direct assistance.

Hereby is how to get to DiGi Operator (Prepaid):-
*call 016-2211800
*listen to thier latest announcement.
*select 4 for "Products Information & Speak to the Customer Team" (this step may repeat twice).
*select the language you preferred, eg. 1 for English (remains current language).
*select 1 for 'check Personal Unblocking Key' (PUK).
*select 0 to speak to DiGi Consultant.

Hereby is how to get to DiGi Operator (Postpaid):-
*call 016-2211800
*listen to thier latest announcement.
*select 4 for "Latest Promotion, Products & Services"
*select 0 for "for speak to our frindly DiGi Consultants"

???Why for Postpaid no language selection???
????Why DiGi Support Hotline (Prepaid) only have language selection for English, Tamil & Indonesia???? no Bahasa Malaysia & Mandarin华语/Cantonese广东话???
Chinese market is not important to DiGi?? 据我所知,多数来大马做工的中国人都是用DiGi的, 因为用DiGi打回中国很经济实惠。试问,如果他们有客服的问题要找谁帮忙呢? 不只是他们,本地很多华人也不是很会讲英文的。

Friday, August 28, 2009

DiGi Prepaid: DiGi Promotion SMS dated 29 August 2009

from DiGi, 12:58:24 29-08-2009:-
Great News! Effective 1/9, we're increased your Birthday Bonus Reload fr RM300 to RM500! Continue to reload to enjoy 50% bonus during ur b'day week. T&Cs apply.

My comment:-
Effective July 2009, DiGi Birthday Bonus no more credit into your main credit, but will go into 'Freebies' (*128*1*5#), all calls/SMSs will be deducted from 'Freebies' b4 the main credit. Hence Birthday Bonus no more attractive as b4.
Especially for those using new DiGi RM1 Plan, you cannot enjoy RM0.12/min call even daily you hitted RM1 SMSs, untill you finish your 'Freebies'.
This move may be is DiGi dun want user to 'TalkTime Transfer' their Birthday Bonus credit (I'm an expert in this :P ). 如果真的是这个原因,那么DiGi未免太小家气了。:(

FIRST for DiGi

First telco in Malaysia to launch and operate a fully digital cellular network.

First telco in Malaysia to launch PREPAID mobile service (1 January 1998).

First telco in Malaysia to introduce of 'Friend & Family'. (* a week after the launched of DiGi 6x FnF, Maxis came out with their Active5)

First telco in Malaysia to introduce of 'One Country, One Rate'.

First telco in Malaysia to introduce of 'RM0.01 SMS'.

First telco in Malaysia to have their own mascot, YCF (Yellow Coverage Fellow).
(*many said that the YCF looks ugly, like a ghost, but latest YCF already looks more 'cartoon'. I have to admit that Celcom's Maya Karin looks more attractive to me. :P )

First telco in Malaysia to introduce of DG Family (prepaid can be sub-lined under postpaid) - August 2009.

In fact, DiGi have many 'the FIRST', eg. Birthday Bonus, Flexi-e-load, TalkTime Transfer, DeepGreen, DiGi Campus, etc. If you think of any subject need to be highlighted, please point out to me. TQ.

DiGi features - the Best & the Worst!!!

The BEST --> OCS (Online Customer Services), non of other Telcos will let you have the 'full access' to your own account in the way of "DiGi" did.

The most USELESS --> BubbleTalk, I dun think any user will use it. For me, its not only 'sampah', but also a 'trap' to misscharge, especially for those after keyed- in the call number, accidently press * key before press the 'call' button.
Sincerely hope DiGi will REMOVE this 'sampah'.

The most USEFUL --> daily free 3x SMS to any DiGi number thru OCS (for any long message, I'll using OCS to SMS to my own number before forward it out). the free 3x MMS will allow me to simply pick any nice small photo from the web & send to my own handphone (without wired nor bluetooth).
You even can SMS/MMS from oversea to local thru OCS. :P

The most PRATICAL (DiGi Prepaid) --> 'Last Call Cost' notification ("once after you had your roti canai & teh tarik, you pay for it", this is LOGIC, COMMON & PRACTICAL to tell you how much you aldy spent for your call, wondering why DiGi Postpaid dun have such feature??)
Remark: DiGi have suspended their 'Last Call Cost' for about Two Years, thanks, they have brought it back again on July 2009.

The BEST Promotion!!! (DiGi Prepaid) on 3rd quarter of 2008, any reload of RM100 will be entitled for ONE YEAR VALIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sincerely hope DiGi bring back this promotion again.

The UNREASONABLE SMS rate. The SMS charges are same for both DiGi Prepaid & Postpaid, RM0.10/sms on net / off net (except FnF), what is the advantage of using Postpaid??
Remark : Once upon a time, DiGi SMS within network is only RM0.06, to FnF is RM0.01, to other operator is RM0.15. After introduce of Fu-Yoh! Plan on 26 March 2007, they have standardised other Plans to RM0.10/sms (on net / off net). Fu-Yoh! is RM0.07/sms to all network.

The BEST DiGi Prepaid Plan!!! DiGi Campus. FOUR YEARS Validity.

MNP to DiGi Prepaid

Mobile Number Portability (MNP) is switching to other network, but keep your current number. MNP applied to all Telcos since October 2008.
MNP in between Telcos is FREE, for Prepaid you have to finish your credit before port over, otherwise the credit will be forfeited. For postpaid, you need to settled your bill before port over.
You can port from Prepaid to Prepaid, Prepaid to Postpaid, Postpaid to Postpaid, or Postpaid to Prepaid.
MNP to DiGi Prepaid is among the best deal comparing to Maxis Hotlink & Celcom Xpax.


1. the MNP transfer period average will only take less than 2hours at no cost (which Maxis & Celcom request 24hrs to 3days).

2. DiGi will credit you RM1.01 (dun ask me why RM0.01; but at least sound better than Maxis & Celcom give you RM0.00). :P

3. DiGi will give you ONE YEAR VALIDITY upon MNP to their network (for Maxis & Celcom, you need to reload to get the validity according to their reload validity chart, for One Year Validity you need to buy it at RM33-35).

4. DiGi even provides Online MNP Registration, the replacement SIM card will post to your doorstep without any charges.

a. you cannot port from DiGi to Happy, or vice versa because they are using same network. If you wish to port over, then you have to port to other network before port to Happy/DiGi.
b. you can change from DiGi Prepaid to Postpaid, but cannot changed from DiGi Postpaid to Prepaid, if you insist, you can MNP port to Hotlink or Xpax, then again MNP port from Hotlink/Xpax back to DiGi Prepaid. :D

DiGi Prepaid vs DiGi Postpaid

I'll not comparing the call rate, but the benefits.

Friend & Family
Prepaid : 11 DiGi + 4 other network
Postpaid : 6 DiGi

Charging Block
Prepaid : 2 block or 60 seconds
Postpaid : FnF 5 block or 12 seconds; Others 2 block or 60 seconds

'Last Call Cost' notification
Prepaid : YES
Postpaid : NIL

OCS Itemised Bill / Unbilled Transaction displayed SMS number
Prepaid : YES
Postpaid : YES (But NOT in final printed bill)

DiGi Prepaid
MTV PowerPack Plan : with monthly RM5 surcharge, you can unlimitted SMS to your 11 FnF number.
Super SMS Plan : after SMS usage exceeded RM0.50 - FREE SMS to all DiGi number.
DiGi Prepaid RM1 Plan : after SMS usage exceeded RM1, all SMS to DiGi network will be only RM0.01.
(Remark: Prepaid PowerPack & Super SMS are previous DiGi Prepaid Plan, no more available for new application)
DiGi Postpaid - free SMS for DG150 (after usage of RM150), DG250, within Network only.
(Remark:- RM123 Promotion ended 1st January 2009, during the promotion, after usage of RM123, all Call/SMS/MMS to DiGi network is absolutely FREE).

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I was impressed with this DiGi commercial ads.

I believe many Chinese attracted by this DiGi commercial.


YCF = Yellow Coverage Fellow

The Beautiful of DiGi Friend Finder (FF)

The Beautiful of DiGi Friend Finder (FF)
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 11:39:32 +0800

How to enable?
For the first time, message "FF Find 016XXXXXXX" to 2000 --> 016XXXXXXX is the number you want to trace.
The owner of 016XXXXXX must reply "FF OK 016YYYYYYY" to 2000 --> 016YYYYYY your number (you want to trace 016XXXXXXX).
Once 016XXXXXXX agreed thru sms, you can start tracing 016XXXXXX (without his/her knowledge)

How to apply?
Message "FF Find 016XXXXXXX" to 2000 --> you'll recv a message stated the location of 016XXXXXXX.

How DiGi charge for FF?
The SMS will be charged at RM0.15, upon sucessfull traced of the number location, RM0.30.
RM0.15 + RM0.30 = RM0.45.
The Bug : Sometime the system will tell you the location twice, so will be charged twice......

The Real Stories
1. "Quietly" enabled FF to trace my niece, when she go for tuition, I can confirm the 'truth' of her actual location. :P
2. My mum went back to her hometown with bus express, I rang her handphone, no answer (maklum-lar... orang tua... tak dengar), so I just "traced" her all the way she reached her hometwon.
3. My mum lost her handbag, she suspect may be the handbag was wrongly put inside her brother's car & was already drove far away. The handphone is in the handbag, so I traced and found the handphone is still within my mum's house area. Finally, my mum found her handbag inside her car.

How to fully utilise FF?
1. Sayang your car??? Takut kena curi???!!! A car GPS system may cost you few hundred to few thousand, or more.
Get a cheap used handphone, or a new one (those kind with long lasting battery standby hours) with a DiGi Prepaid SIM inside (FF enabled), every week fully charge the handphone once, every 90day TalkTime Transfer RM3 to keep the SIM number alive. Hide the handphone in a secure place of the car.
Cheap used handphone was below RM100-150, RM8.50 for new DiGi SIM Pack, Tracing RM0.45 each time. THATS ALL.
or, just do it when you are overnight outstation (in the hotel or tumpang rumah kawan). With the "DiGi GPS".... haha..... even midnight you no need go to car park to inspect your car.... jz a sms will tell you either your car is still at same location....
(Remark: a real case happened at Cheras, KL, 2008, a guy managed to get back his stolen car thru DiGi FF)

2. Trace your hubby who always come back late??? --> no comment & no instruction, DIY... haha.....

11.39am 20070313
Remarks: Friend Finder is apply to DiGi & Maxis, except Celcom, UMobile & XOX.

Initial Setup - DiGi Ambassador

I'm a DiGi "Hardcore" Supporter for more than 10years.
Currently I'm owned 1x DiGi Postpaid & 4x DiGi Prepaid numbers.
Many of my friends are asking me why I'm so support DiGi? I dun have 'share' with DiGi, but thanks to DiGi for bringing a 'competitive' mobile service to our local market (良性公平竞争会带来改革与进步,而最后得益最大的将会是消费者。), especially Prepaid, if not, the price for our mobile services will be 'sky high'.

I found that DiGi's [Corporat Milestone] (http://www.digi.com.my/aboutdigi/corporate/easyabt_coview_milestones.do?myear=2009) is not enough for telling the 'fact' of DiGi. Someone need to take initiative record down what is happening to DiGi, the good and the bad from the user's perspective, hence this blog is formed. :D

Any comment & suggestion please email me at:-

This blog was started 28/8/2009. But the Visitor Counter is intentionally set to 24 May 1995. :)

(c) All Logo and Trademark 'copied & altered' from DiGi Website are copyright to DiGi TELECOMMUNICATIONS SDN. BHD.